VAN HIEN MINERAL CO., LTD Address: 2/1 Street 24, P Hiệp Bình Chánh, Thủ Đức District, HCM Van Hien Co., Ltd. will advise you on the order of buying and selling indo coal lumps, negotiating where to import coal and how to deliver it. In particular, guide you the method and how to identify which lumps of coal are of the right quality with enough heat and without wasting mass in kiln operation. Company competence: the capacity of professional staff to complete the contract and consultancy procedures, as well as the capacity to supply and distribute lump coal, and the capacity to help customers differentiate coal products. Sources of coal include: - Source of lump coal dust of Vinacomin, Vietnam Coal and Mineral Group - Indo coal source is collected from yards and points - Indo coal source from indonesia - Sources of coal slag and fly ash heat are sources at thermal power plants, the company produces high quality and heat Official website of Van Hien Phone: 091392667...